
June 3, 2022

OTK Games Expo

The Asmongold-owned, Twitch streamer-operated OTK organization has run it's first (of hopefully many to come!) Games expo's! The goal of which was to showcase the independent and smaller-sized video game creators that sometimes get lost in the noise…

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June 3, 2022

Sony's State of Play

Sony recently had their State of Play to showcase their upcoming titles coming to PS4 and PS5. A lot of emphasis during this showcase was PSVR2. Do you feel like there are enough quality titles coming to Playstation? Was there too much emphasis on P…

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Oct. 8, 2021

In the House of Hasanabi

Another Wodnesdaeg has come and gone, and brings with it the dulcet tones of four hairy men. Here's the short list of our nightly deeds:Twitch done ****** up.With a week of New World under their belts, the MM-Tri-O discuss pelt-thieving, where the g…

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Oct. 1, 2021

A Whole New World

I'm late! For a very important date! That date was this morning when the cast went up. Apologies, but at least there is time to say "hello". For episode 37, the majority of the cast has dove into the latest planet New World. We talk shop about this …

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Sept. 24, 2021

A Noise Floor in Our Skybox

A second podcast, in as many weeks? Pattern Recognition, we meet again.Before you lies another dose of boisterous banter. Dare you partake of it's clarion call? We bounce between movies and games this episode, and I repeatedly remind us all of how n…

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Sept. 16, 2021

Squeezing Lemons into Diamonds

From the mists of time, we rise! Covid knocked us down, but we got up again, as foretold in ancient lyrics. After a hiatus of epidemic proportions, VGT is back at it to bring you up-to-date gaming news, hilarious banter, and the very important opini…

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